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Horror; Audience Score 453627 vote; country USA; duration 1h 44 Minutes; Daniel Kaluuya; directors Jordan Peele

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Get out full movie online free vimeo. Get Out is an extremely powerful, poignant horror movie with some humor. Whatever elements of action or schlock that are present take a backseat to the real human drama that plays out when Chris (Daniel Kaluuya) meets his white girlfriend's eccentric family.
The characters are fleshed out immaculately, with Bradley Whitford and Catherine Keener in their best performances to date, and Caleb Landry Jones in an appropriately, intensely creepy role. But Kaluuya is the star here, and he delivers with zeal a shocking depth and range of emotions. In fact, more often than not its what he doesn't say that delivers the most impact. which is all to say that this masterpiece could not have been accomplished without the masterful direction of Jordan Peele.
Peele builds atmosphere and tension like the Big Bang, dunking you into the mind of the main character while he navigates through very visceral danger.
If you're looking for a film that sets out to entertain first and foremost with shock and terror, but also with poignant social commentary and real philosophical meat to chew on, Get Out is the movie you need to see. You won't regret it.
This isn't Cabin in the Woods, Peele isn't interested in subverting genre conventions. What he has crafted is entirely original and unique, and thankfully free of clichés or stereotypes.
There are no "monsters" here. The real villains are entitlement, egotism, and objectification, and g.d. they are scary.

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